Friday, February 24, 2012

Typography Project: Word Mark

We were commissioned by our professor to create a word mark based off of a business of our own choosing. So I decided to base my design off of the church that I'm helping plant. The church is called Restoration Church and it meets on Saturday nights. The worship service is aptly named Saturday Night Fever and the idea is that we get 'infected' with Jesus' love for us.

I'm leading the children's ministry and based off of the Saturday Night Fever idea, I'm calling the children's ministry "the cure" being that Jesus' love is the cure for our lives. This word mark was definitely not easy for me to develop. I started with the idea of basing the design off of a hospital emblem, such as the blue sign with a white H in the middle that you often see on roads. But that felt a little too impersonal to be the logo for something geared towards children.

After a few different class sessions and some conversations with my teacher, I ended up with a word mark that I'm mostly happy with. Here is the envelope and the stationary applications for my word mark. I created a business card too, but the colors didn't come out correctly when I saved it as a .jpg so you only get to see these. But I love them.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Stone Lithography

Stone lithography is a process. A frustratingly long, drawn out process that takes three people in order to complete it properly. The artist (who is the printer), the sponger, and the clean hands person. We use limestone from Bavaria that are hundreds of years old and a press that's been around for decades.

This process is thousands of years old. It's one of the oldest types of printmaking that I've learned to do, but you definitely have to be a person who enjoys the process in order to enjoy stone lithography. There is loads of prep work to do even though the actual printing process goes fairly quickly.

These are my prints that I completed last week. My print work this semester is going to be themed around bird silhouettes. That may or may not have something to do with the recent ink I just got on my shoulder.
